Friday, September 29, 2006

The errors I've encountered (and logged) so far

Here's some stuff I found so far; they are all being fed back to the developers for rapid fixes:


When users create a blog there’s no way for them to find it again once published in current mode unless it is one of the top 10 rated.

When creating a blog, user writes title and then adds text.
The text filled in the ‘description’ text box doesn’t appear anywhere once saved.

This is very confusing for users who think their blog has disappeared.

In fact, I think what is happening is that the description field is not being displayed.


Error in text: (example provided to developers)

No way to edit text.

When creating a gallery – seems a bit odd that the wysiwg still shows abilty to add image icon. Could (should?) this be disabled in the gallery function?
When I selected this I seemed to have access to all the images uploaded by pc and cc. Am I meant to be able to see these. Selecting one resulted in an upload error.

Tried to rate this blog: (example provided to developers) while looking at its gallery. Got error message:
I'm sorry, but we could not retrieve the information you requested due to a technical problem with the site. The problem has been recorded and we will work to fix this as soon as possible.

cannot find blog

Was able to rate it when viewed at blog level!

Now having real trouble publishing a blog. Add content but then see now way of it appearing elsewhere. Ah ha! It ONLY appears once I have rated it (which I’m not meant to be able to do!)
(example provided to developers)
Also blog settings (description field), doesn’t appear anywhere to me?

On this page: (example provided to developers)

Post displays a broken image.

No way to edit content of post!

Edit blog settings simply returns edit ‘description’ field. No option for editing text of blog.

Still able to rate my own blogs! (11.50am, Friday)

Error when having a look at a users profile:

"I'm sorry, but we could not retrieve the information you requested due to a technical problem with the site. The problem has been recorded and we will work to fix this as soon as possible.


When I select private message, I get create a profile (for myself!)

Therefore I see no way to send private message?

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